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APA : Bakht, M., Khan, S. N., & Blanco, G. L. (2020). 21st Century Leadership Skills Practiced by School Leaders in Pakistan During COVID-19 Pandemic. Global Social Sciences Review, V(III), 46-55.
CHICAGO : Bakht, Mehr, Salma Nazar Khan, and Gerardo L Blanco. 2020. "21st Century Leadership Skills Practiced by School Leaders in Pakistan During COVID-19 Pandemic." Global Social Sciences Review, V (III): 46-55 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2020(V-III).05
HARVARD : BAKHT, M., KHAN, S. N. & BLANCO, G. L. 2020. 21st Century Leadership Skills Practiced by School Leaders in Pakistan During COVID-19 Pandemic. Global Social Sciences Review, V, 46-55.
MHRA : Bakht, Mehr, Salma Nazar Khan, and Gerardo L Blanco. 2020. "21st Century Leadership Skills Practiced by School Leaders in Pakistan During COVID-19 Pandemic." Global Social Sciences Review, V: 46-55
MLA : Bakht, Mehr, Salma Nazar Khan, and Gerardo L Blanco. "21st Century Leadership Skills Practiced by School Leaders in Pakistan During COVID-19 Pandemic." Global Social Sciences Review, V.III (2020): 46-55 Print.
OXFORD : Bakht, Mehr, Khan, Salma Nazar, and Blanco, Gerardo L (2020), "21st Century Leadership Skills Practiced by School Leaders in Pakistan During COVID-19 Pandemic", Global Social Sciences Review, V (III), 46-55
TURABIAN : Bakht, Mehr, Salma Nazar Khan, and Gerardo L Blanco. "21st Century Leadership Skills Practiced by School Leaders in Pakistan During COVID-19 Pandemic." Global Social Sciences Review V, no. III (2020): 46-55.