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APA : Noor, B. (2022). Students' Meta-cognition Skills and Problem-solving Strategies in Math: A Preliminary Literature Review. Global Social Sciences Review, VII(IV), 82-88.
CHICAGO : Noor, Bushra. 2022. "Students' Meta-cognition Skills and Problem-solving Strategies in Math: A Preliminary Literature Review." Global Social Sciences Review, VII (IV): 82-88 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2022(VII-IV).09
HARVARD : NOOR, B. 2022. Students' Meta-cognition Skills and Problem-solving Strategies in Math: A Preliminary Literature Review. Global Social Sciences Review, VII, 82-88.
MHRA : Noor, Bushra. 2022. "Students' Meta-cognition Skills and Problem-solving Strategies in Math: A Preliminary Literature Review." Global Social Sciences Review, VII: 82-88
MLA : Noor, Bushra. "Students' Meta-cognition Skills and Problem-solving Strategies in Math: A Preliminary Literature Review." Global Social Sciences Review, VII.IV (2022): 82-88 Print.
OXFORD : Noor, Bushra (2022), "Students' Meta-cognition Skills and Problem-solving Strategies in Math: A Preliminary Literature Review", Global Social Sciences Review, VII (IV), 82-88
TURABIAN : Noor, Bushra. "Students' Meta-cognition Skills and Problem-solving Strategies in Math: A Preliminary Literature Review." Global Social Sciences Review VII, no. IV (2022): 82-88.