Journal's metadata

Publishing Since 2016
ISSN-Print 2520-0348
ISSN-Online 2616-793X
Journal's DOI 10.31703/gssr

Google Scholar Citations

All Since 2019
Citations 2172 2138
h-index 15 15
i10-index 47 46

About us


GSSR is an multi-disciplinary, trans-disciplinary, and multi-disciplinary, cross-national journal offers a podium for disseminating and developing theoretical, empirical & pragmatic research across the social sciences and related disciplines. Echoing the objectives of the HumaPub it emphasizes the publication of work that engages with issues of Human & Society and concern across the world, and highlights the implications of that work for policy making, academic research & professional practice.

Contributions are welcome from all Social Sciences (multidisciplinary & interdisciplinary) fields which have relevant and insightful comments to make about the social sciences. The GSSR’s broad scope facilitates the discovery of connections between disciplines and communities.

GSSR welcomes all those topics and titles which are directly or indirectly impacting, effecting or relating particularly to the Human and Society in general.

Global Social Sciences Review-GSSR considers original research and review articles in the following (not limited to) sections and broad topical areas:


  1. Human and Society
    1. Social Work
    2. Sociology
    3. Psychology
    4. Gender Studies
    5. Urban Studies
    6. Tourism & Hospitality
    7. Anthropology
    8. Business and Economics
    9. Criminology & Penology
    10. Human Rights
    11. Law
  2. Education and Mass Studies
    1. Mass Communication
    2. Elementary, Secondary & Higher Education
    3. Curriculum
    4. TESOL
    5. Transformative Education
    6. Adult Education
    7. Health & Physical Education
  3. Historical and Regional Studies
    1. History
    2. Heritage & Architecture
    3. Geography
    4. Pakistan Studies
    5. Area Studies
    6. Asian & African Studies
    7. American & European Studies
  4. Government and Politics
    1. Political Science
    2. International Relations
    3. Defense & Strategic Studies
    4. Peace & Conflict Studies
    5. Public Policy
    6. Management & Public Administration
    7. HR & Leadership
    8. Developmental Studies
  5. Human Society & Sciences
    1. Public Health
    2. Psychiatry
    3. Cyber & Artificial Intelligence
    4. Computational Social Sciences
    5. Statistical Knowledge
    6. Industrial Relations
    7. Information Sciences & Library Sciences
    8. Media Sciences
    9. Maritime Studies
    10. Bio-Societies &. Bioethics
    11. Technology & Development Studies
    12. Sports Sciences & Leisure Studies
    13. Mathematical Methods in Social Sciences
    14. Environmental & Climate Studies
  6. Human & Arts
    1. Language & Linguistics
    2. Literature & Culture
    3. Fashion & Designing
    4. Archeology
    5. Philosophy
    6. Religion
    7. Radio, Television & Film

Note: This List is not exhaustive, writers are connected to send articles pertaining to inter-disciplinary, trans-disciplinary, and multi-disciplinary perspectives (all related topics and subject) Social Sciences encircling all aspects of Humanity and Human Society. We at GSSR appreciates the value of newly emerging aspects.