40 Pages : 308-316      10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).40      Published : Dec 2019

Effects of Leadership on School Performance: Comparison between Perceptions of Teachers and Head Teachers of Special and Regular Schools

    This study compared the perception(s) of teachers and headteachers working in special schools and those in regular schools about the effect of leadership on the performance of the school. The sample included 100 teachers and 50 headteachers from each of the school categories in Karachi city. The analysis of data was carried out by using descriptive statistics and Independent Samples t-test. The results revealed that teachers and headteachers perceived leadership style to be affecting the performance of the school. The headteachers and teachers from regular schools and teachers from special schools scored highest on their response(s) demonstrating that headteachers anticipated the role teachers working under their leadership in inculcating knowledge, skills, and attitudes among students; whereas, the score of the responses of the headteachers of special schools appeared to be highest indicating that they guide their teachers how to attain the goals of their school(s).

    (1) Sadia Siddiqui
    Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Special Education, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan.
    (2) Shahida Sajjad
    Professor, Department of Special Education, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan.
    (3) Irshad Hussain
    Professor, Department of Education,The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Siddiqui, S., Sajjad, S., & Hussain, I. (2019). Effects of Leadership on School Performance: Comparison between Perceptions of Teachers and Head Teachers of Special and Regular Schools. Global Social Sciences Review, IV(IV), 308-316.
    CHICAGO : Siddiqui, Sadia, Shahida Sajjad, and Irshad Hussain. 2019. "Effects of Leadership on School Performance: Comparison between Perceptions of Teachers and Head Teachers of Special and Regular Schools." Global Social Sciences Review, IV (IV): 308-316 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).40
    HARVARD : SIDDIQUI, S., SAJJAD, S. & HUSSAIN, I. 2019. Effects of Leadership on School Performance: Comparison between Perceptions of Teachers and Head Teachers of Special and Regular Schools. Global Social Sciences Review, IV, 308-316.
    MHRA : Siddiqui, Sadia, Shahida Sajjad, and Irshad Hussain. 2019. "Effects of Leadership on School Performance: Comparison between Perceptions of Teachers and Head Teachers of Special and Regular Schools." Global Social Sciences Review, IV: 308-316
    MLA : Siddiqui, Sadia, Shahida Sajjad, and Irshad Hussain. "Effects of Leadership on School Performance: Comparison between Perceptions of Teachers and Head Teachers of Special and Regular Schools." Global Social Sciences Review, IV.IV (2019): 308-316 Print.
    OXFORD : Siddiqui, Sadia, Sajjad, Shahida, and Hussain, Irshad (2019), "Effects of Leadership on School Performance: Comparison between Perceptions of Teachers and Head Teachers of Special and Regular Schools", Global Social Sciences Review, IV (IV), 308-316
    TURABIAN : Siddiqui, Sadia, Shahida Sajjad, and Irshad Hussain. "Effects of Leadership on School Performance: Comparison between Perceptions of Teachers and Head Teachers of Special and Regular Schools." Global Social Sciences Review IV, no. IV (2019): 308-316.