16 Pages : 263-278      10.31703/gssr.2018(III-I).16      Published : Mar 2018

Impact of QEC Leaders Intellectual Competencies on Quality Enhancement of Higher Education Institutions

    This study investigates the impact of QEC Leaders' intellectual competencies on Quality Enhancement of Higher Education Institutions - HEIs and Universities. Quantitative data from QEC Officials of public and private sector universities in Islamabad is collected. QEC Leaders' intellectual competencies were measured by adapting Leadership Dimension Questionnaire (LDQ) from Dulewicz and Higgs (2005, 2008). Quality Enhancement was measured by using Quality Enhancement Questionnaire (QEQ) developed by HEC QAA (2006). A survey questionnaire based methodology was used to collect data from QEC Leaders of public and private universities of Islamabad. Correlation and regression analyses were used to test research hypotheses. Findings imply that QEC Leaders' strategic perspective significantly contribute towards Quality Enhancement generally and specifically towards Implementation of SA Mechanism. Furthermore, QEC Leaders possessing strong vision and imagination competencies have significant influence on Empowering QEC and high ranked QEC to contribute in the Quality Enhancement. Leadership competencies are the basic elements contributing for betterment of performance of an organization and quality enhancement. A vital role is played by the QEC Leaders for achieving organizational objectives and goals to enhance quality of Institutions and provide conducive working environment which ultimately encourages the attitudes, behaviors and motivates the followers. This study was limited to examine relationship between QEC Leaders' intellectual competencies and Quality Enhancement of HEI's in Islamabad. Further research is suggested to validate this model all QECs of Pakistan. Findings provide implications for academicians and QEC professionals to formulate policies for improving Quality of Education in Pakistan. The study provides directions for future research.

    (1) M Iftikhar Ali
    PhD Scholar (Education), Department of Education, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Umbreen Ishfaq
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Haripur, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Riaz Ahmed
    Associate Professor, Department of Education, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    APA : Ali, M. I., Ishfaq, U., & Ahmed, R. (2018). Impact of QEC Leaders Intellectual Competencies on Quality Enhancement of Higher Education Institutions. Global Social Sciences Review, III(I), 263-278.
    CHICAGO : Ali, M Iftikhar, Umbreen Ishfaq, and Riaz Ahmed. 2018. "Impact of QEC Leaders Intellectual Competencies on Quality Enhancement of Higher Education Institutions." Global Social Sciences Review, III (I): 263-278 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2018(III-I).16
    HARVARD : ALI, M. I., ISHFAQ, U. & AHMED, R. 2018. Impact of QEC Leaders Intellectual Competencies on Quality Enhancement of Higher Education Institutions. Global Social Sciences Review, III, 263-278.
    MHRA : Ali, M Iftikhar, Umbreen Ishfaq, and Riaz Ahmed. 2018. "Impact of QEC Leaders Intellectual Competencies on Quality Enhancement of Higher Education Institutions." Global Social Sciences Review, III: 263-278
    MLA : Ali, M Iftikhar, Umbreen Ishfaq, and Riaz Ahmed. "Impact of QEC Leaders Intellectual Competencies on Quality Enhancement of Higher Education Institutions." Global Social Sciences Review, III.I (2018): 263-278 Print.
    OXFORD : Ali, M Iftikhar, Ishfaq, Umbreen, and Ahmed, Riaz (2018), "Impact of QEC Leaders Intellectual Competencies on Quality Enhancement of Higher Education Institutions", Global Social Sciences Review, III (I), 263-278
    TURABIAN : Ali, M Iftikhar, Umbreen Ishfaq, and Riaz Ahmed. "Impact of QEC Leaders Intellectual Competencies on Quality Enhancement of Higher Education Institutions." Global Social Sciences Review III, no. I (2018): 263-278.