01 Pages : 1-8
This study targets to investigate the impact of Inter-Services of Public Relations (ISPR) production, broadcasted during the war against terrorism, on Pakistani youth. It is hypothesized that ISPR productions have helped in inflating the motivation level of Pakistani youth, thus helping in promoting the nationalism and positive image of Pakistan. Furthermore, the role of ISPR productions in motivating youth to join Pakistan’s Army is also explored. A cross-sectional survey research design was used. The sample of this study was comprised of youth aged between 18 to 24 years, selected through the non-probability purposive sample. The measures comprised of a self-constructed indigenous questionnaire assessing the impact of ISPR productions during a military operation in image building, promotion of nationalism and motivation to join the army. The data analyzed through SPSS Version 22.00 yielded insightful findings. The finding revealed that watching ISPR productions helped in instilling a fervent attitude of Pakistani youth towards nationalism and the Pakistani military. There had been a clearer inclination of youth to aspire for joining the military for upholding the nationalism beliefs, and this finding appears promising, keeping in mind the relative declining opinion that has been observed in youth from the past decade pertaining to nationalism and military operations.
Key Words
ISPR Productions, the War against Terrorism, Image Building, Nationalism, Inclination to Join the Army and Pakistani Youth
Media is an important tool in portraying any image. The history explains the media role in developing an impression on the human’s mind with its visual communication as the purpose of portraying these visuals is to support better stories. The identity or image of a nation rests in the thoughts of every individual within the country or outside. Media being the fourth pillar of the state, have the responsibility to portray those images that improve the standings of its nation. Media productions have the capacity to distinguish and comprehend the ideas of the public. Visual format and visual content shown has the power to influence the human brain (Kosslyn, Ganis, and Thompson, 2003). Therefore, the ISPR productions are designed to establish a good repute of Pakistan across the world. The way the institution portrayed itself, it
posted an image (Argenti, 1998).
It is a known fact that anything having a visual impact is ultimate on the viewers (Meinhof, 1998). Anyone who goes through ISPR productions produce by the Pakistan army will last an imprint on youth and eventually build an image (Hussain, Bilal, & Chodhry, 2019). The content and its presentations have the power to decide its fate, whether positive or negative. Pakistan army is always seen as a responsible weapon for its nation. ISPR has been consistently promoting the image of Pakistan armed force through their productions. Likewise, ISPR productions also have been making efforts to boost the image of the country through their military operations during war against terrorism. ISPR produce many dramas, documentaries, national songs etc. in order to boost the morale of young generations of Pakistan like “Alpha Bravo Charlie”, “Hamain dushman kay bachon ko parhana hai”, “Ragoon mein jitna Khoon hai” etc. that has effectively established a foundation to reconnect individuals to their homeland.
There is a significant relationship between ISPR productions and image building of Pakistan during military operation regarding the war against terrorism. During the war against terrorism, Pakistan’s military has conducted various operations like “Operation al-Mizan, Operation Zalzala, Operation Sher-e-Dil, Operation Rah-e-Rast, Operation Rah-e-Haq, Operation Rah-e-Nijat, Operation Zarb-e-Azb and Operation Rad-ul-Fasad” so far. Pakistan achieves regional stability, and its image has been enhanced across the globe after these operations (Shaikh, 2015). ISPR productions during these military operations like the song “Hamain dushman kay bachon ko parhana hai” and many more boost the morale of youth across the country (DND News, 2015). As it is well said: the PR organization of any department always construct a quality relation and good image (Ahmed & Khan, 2019).
The study has explored the impact of ISPR productions broadcasted during military action in tribal areas of Pakistan on youth. The purpose of this study is to explore ISPR’s role in building the image of Pakistan through its productions. The study objectives were more specific and highlighted the contribution extended to the institute. The core principles of the study were to investigate the impact of ISPR’s productions on the image building of the country, promoting nationalism and inclination to join the Pakistan army among the youth of Pakistan because it’s a natural phenomenon in which patriotism should arise (Keller, 2012).
Literature Review
Numerous studies have been conducted in building positive and constructive as well as a negative image of any organizations, communities, political parties, state, nation etc. (Chaudhary & Ali, 2012). Among them, ISPR organization is a high profile institution and acquired an impression on the national landscape (“ISPR’s role”, 2020). Khan and Khan (2021) findings revealed that the purpose of ISPR productions behind the creation of such content is to pay homage to the brave soldiers of the army and also to falsify the propaganda imposed by foreign media to spread rumours against Pakistan. Likewise, Heimonen and Hebert (2012) study affirm that patriotic songs have frequently been associated with enthusiasm, with intend to inspire a feeling of adoration for one's nation, particularly during wartime. The military operations have a strong impact on increasing the image of Pakistan among foreign countries as Musarrat (2020) study explored that after military operation Zarb-e-Azb Pakistan’s security situations have been enhanced and showed the positive attitude of foreign countries towards Pakistan after this operation. Nazar (2015) concluded that terrorism and the thought of terrorists alike minded could not be rooted out without military operations. Indeed, Zarb-e-Azb is a good move in creating a positive image of Pakistan. Pakistan army has been recognized across the globe. As Hendrix (2014) reported in Washington Post that soldiers of the Pakistan army are brave enough to sacrifice their lives in the war against terrorism. They are also considered as a wheel of fortune. In the same manner, Hussain, Bilal and Chodhry (2019) findings revealed that ISPR visuals are more credible than our traditional media in building the image of Pakistan. However, Chaudhry & Ali (2012) findings stated that the PR department of Pakistan’s military should modify its approaches and policies to develop a positive and delicate picture of Pakistan.
Theoretical Explanation
The theoretical provision of the current study is framing, which is the deliberation of second-level agenda setting (Ghanem, 1997). “Framing is a procedure through which the media highlight approximately features of reality and tone down further features”(Miller, 2005, p. 275). Faming theory is that media emphasizes consideration on assured happenings and formerly places them inside a meadow of connotation. Framing is significant matter; meanwhile it can ensure a large inspiration and so the notion of framing prolonged to groups too. Media considers the opinion of masses over certain matters. It keeps opinion on top and put pressure on authority to resolve it. News articles happen further than merely throwing up firm subjects. The approach in which news is fetched, in which frame a film is presented, is optimal of a film producer. Therefore, frame speaks of the approach media contemporaneous the happenings and matters they present, and viewers understand whatever they are providing. “Goffman (1974) frame analysis to provide a systematic account of how we use expectation to make sense of everyday life situation and the people in them”(Baron & Davis, 2009, p.330).
The significant features of framing theory show the relevancy with the present research study. In the present research study, the researcher explores whether ISPR productions demonstrate the patriotism among Youth of Pakistan or not. A frame is an orientation theme intended for whole conclusions. According to this theory, mass media attention to any specific issue causes that issue to be raised in importance. So framing theory is of utmost suitable for the present researcher. Regardless of the way that young people today are conceived computerized, digital and obviously familiar over different media, it is indistinct how media instructed they are or think they are. Utilizing Singapore young people (13s– 16 years of age) as an example, this study investigates youth's perceived media literacy skills and their confidence in these skills. Findings revealed that of the 5 literacy skills recognized by UNESCO, they scored well in "awareness and confidence" in abilities as media consumers aside from needed aptitudes as media producers (Miller, 2005).
• To explore whether the ISPR productions broadcasted during the war against terrorism created a positive image of Pakistan among youth.
• To discover the role of ISPR productions broadcasted during the war against terrorism in promoting nationalism
• To find out whether the ISPR productions broadcasted during the war against terrorism motivated youth to join Pakistan Army.
H1: There is likely to be a significant relationship between ISPR productions broadcasted during the war against terrorism and the image building of Pakistan.
H2: There is likely to be a significant relationship between ISPR productions broadcasted during the war against terrorism and the promotion of nationalism among youth.
H3: More the youth get exposed to ISPR productions broadcasted during the war against terrorism more they are inclined to join Pakistan's army.
In order to determine the impact of ISPR Productions broadcasted during the war against terrorism on image building, promotion of nationalism and motivation to join Pakistan’s Army, a cross-sectional survey (N = 400) was conducted among youth from January 2021 to April 2021.
The data was collected through a questionnaire comprised of five sections, i.e. demographic information, exposure to ISPR’s productions, image building, Promotion of nationalism, and Inclination to Join the army from the participants of the study. A pilot study was conducted to check the validity and reliability of the tool. For the pilot study, data were collected from 50 participants, and Cronbach’s alpha values of main constructs were image building of Pakistan (.86), promotion of nationalism (.81) and inclination to join the army (.88).
The data was collected from youth aged between 18 to 24 years living in the towns of Lahore. Participants of the study were selected through the multistage sampling technique. For the selection of towns, the list was downloaded from the district government’s website, and from that list, every 2nd town was selected. From those towns, union councils were selected, and a list of union councils was also taken from the official website. From that list, through systematic sampling procedure, every 5th UC was selected; thus, 26 union councils were selected, and 20 youngsters were selected from each UC. Total 500 questionnaires were distributed among parents, and 430 were received back. After initial scrutiny, 400 questionnaires were found appropriate without any missing value. So, the response rate for this study was considered final (Response rate = 80%).
Exposure to ISPR productions was an independent
variable, while image building, Promotion of nationalism, and Inclination to Join the army were dependent variables.
Exposure to ISPR Productions
Exposure to ISPR Productions was measured by the frequency of watching ISPR’s content, liking of that content and time spent on watching that content during a week.
Image Building of Pakistan
To measure the image building of Pakistan through ISPR productions broadcasted during the war against terrorism, participants were asked about their perceptions about the image of Pakistan after being exposed to ISPR’s produced content. Total 5 statements were asked, and the minimum value was 5, and the maximum value was 25. The scale consisted of items such as, ‘ISPR productions during the war against terrorism give me the information that brings the positive image of Pakistan’ and ‘ISPR productions broadcasted during the war against terrorism played a vital role in creating a positive image of Pakistan’ etc. The responses for each statement were recorded on a five-point Likert scale, where “1 = strongly disagree; 2= disagree; 3 = neutral; 4 = agree; and 5 = strongly agree”.
Promotion of Nationalism
To measure the role of ISPR’s Productions broadcasted during the war against terrorism in the promotion of participants were asked about their feelings of being nationalist. Six statements related to the promotion of nationalism were asked, and the minimum value was 6, and the maximum value was 30. The scale consisted of items such as, ‘ISPR productions during the war against terrorism have developed enthusiasm and patriotism in me’ and ‘ISPR productions broadcasted during the war against terrorism have developed courage in me to fight for my country’ etc. The responses for each statement were recorded on a five-point Likert scale, where “1 = strongly disagree; 2= disagree; 3 = neutral; 4 = agree; and 5 = strongly agree”.
Inclination to Join Army
To measure participants’ inclination to join Pakistan Army after being exposed to ISPR productions broadcasted during the war against terrorism, participants were asked about their motivation to join Pakistan’s Armed forces. 5 statements related to the inclination to join Pakistan Army were asked, and the minimum value was 5and the maximum value was 25. The scale consisted of items such as, ‘ISPR productions during the war against terrorism have motivated me to join armed forces and ‘ISPR productions broadcasted during the war against terrorism have encouraged me to serve as a solder for my country’ etc. The responses for each statement were recorded on a five-point Likert scale, where “1 = strongly disagree; 2= disagree; 3 = neutral; 4 = agree; and 5 = strongly agree”.
The demographic information of
respondents showed that the majority of them were educated and belonged to
middle-class families. The highest level of education was M.Phil. and the least
level was under matric.
Table 1. Youth’s Exposure to ISPR
Productions Broadcasted during War against Terrorism
Item |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Frequently |
Very Frequently |
Frequency of watching ISPR Produced
content broadcasted during war against terrorism |
0 |
28 (7%) |
56 (14%) |
98 (24.5%) |
218 (54.5%) |
Much Disliked |
Disliked |
Indifferent |
Liked |
Much Liked |
Liking of ISPR Produced content
broadcasted during war against terrorism |
12 (3%) |
32 (8%) |
48 (12%) |
110 (27.5%) |
198 (49.5%) |
Table 1
shows the percentage of youth’s frequency of watching and liking of ISPR
Produced content broadcasted during the war against terrorism. Results show
that majority of youth watch that content very frequently, and they like that
content very much. Only 44 (11%) respondents didn’t like the ISPR produced
content broadcasted during the war against
Figure 1
Weekly Exposure to ISPR Productions Broadcasted during War against Terrorism

Figure 1 represents the frequency and percentage of the youth’s exposure to ISPR produced content broadcasted during the war against terrorism on a weekly basis. The findings of the study revealed that the majority of respondent’s watch ISPR produced content 5 to 6 days a week.
Figure 2
Most Liked Genre of ISPR Production Broadcasted during War against Terrorism

Figure 2 represents the frequency
and percentage of the youth’s most-liked genre of ISPR produced content
broadcasted during the war against terrorism. The results of the study showed
songs are most liked genre, and mobile game is least liked genre.
Table 2. Pearson Product
Moment Correlation Coefficient” of Youth’s Exposure to ISPR Productions,
Pakistan’s image Building, Promotion of Nationalism, and Inclination to Join
Variables |
Pakistan’s Image Building |
Promotion of Nationalism |
Inclination to Join Army |
Exposure to ISPR
Productions |
.564** |
.668** |
.748*** |
Correlation: **p < .01, ***p <
To find
the relationship among Youth’s Exposure to ISPR Productions, Pakistan’s image
building, Promotion of nationalism, and Inclination to join and to test H1, H2
and H3, “Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient” was employed. Table 2 shows a positive relationship
between youth’s exposure to ISPR produced content and Pakistan’s Image building.
The results suggest that due to increased exposure to ISPR’s produced
content, the image of Pakistan became more positive in the minds of youth;
thus, it served as a positive indicator for Pakistan’s image building during
the war against terrorism.
Table 2
further directs a constructive
between exposures to ISPR produced content and promotion of nationalism. In
addition, youth’s increased exposure to ISPR productions brought changes in
them; they became more patriotic and courageous.
Table 2
also indicates a positive relationship between exposures to ISPR produced
content and youth’s inclination to join the Pakistan army, which means that
with the increased exposure to ISPR productions broadcasted during the war
against terrorism, youth’s inclination to join the Pakistan army was also
H1: There is likely to be a significant relationship between ISPR productions broadcasted during the war against terrorism and image building of Pakistan:
The results of the survey more significantly support the hypothesis. The ISPR productions during the war on terror give information that brings a positive image of Pakistan. ISPR productions during the war against terrorism played a significant role in creating a positive image of Pakistan. Pakistan’s credibility is increasing in the eyes of other nations after such types of productions during military operations. The findings support the study of Nazar (2015) study asserted that, indeed, Operation Zarb-e-Azb is a good move in creating a positive image of Pakistan. Likewise, Hendrix (2014) reported in ‘Washington Post’ that soldiers of the Pakistan army are brave enough to sacrifice their lives in the war against terrorism. They are also considered as a wheel of fortune. In the same manner, Hussain, Bilal and Chodhry (2019) findings revealed that ISPR visuals are more credible than our traditional media in building the image of Pakistan.
H2: There is likely to be a significant relationship between ISPR productions broadcasted during the war against terrorism and the promotion of nationalism among youth:
The findings presented in the above-mentioned table 2 supported this hypothesis that these productions develop enthusiasm and courage in the young generation mind and they want to join Pakistan’s army to be a part of these military operations and want to fight with these dirty terrorist to make their nation strong. ISPR productions played a vital role in motivating youth to show tolerance and sacrifice for their homeland. Various military personnel’s sacrifice their lives in these military operations that were conducted to curb the activities of the terrorists, and when media portray their patriotism, it boosts the morale of every individual for his homeland. These results, therefore, support the study of Heimonen and Hebert (2012) that patriotic depiction is with nationalism and enthusiasm with intend to inspire a feeling of love for one's nation, predominantly during wartime.
H3: More the youth get exposed to ISPR productions broadcasted during the war against terrorism more they are inclined to join Pakistan's army:
The data significantly supported the prediction. Now a day we find so many ISPR songs, documentaries, dramas etc., that motivate the youth. They encourage youth to take part in military operations and join the army. Youngsters are directly influenced through dramas, documentaries, songs etc., developed by ISPR production for improving and motivating country credibility. Therefore, a major change has been witnessed in the youth of Pakistan regarding Pakistan’s Image. Now they are well aware of what is happing around them. They know about the image and standing of their motherland and want it to flourish. Hence this courage and enthusiasm have been given to them by these productions. The hypothesis is proved by the result. The findings are in line with the study of Heimonen and Hebert (2012) that stated that patriotic productions have frequently been associated with enthusiasm, with the intention to motivate and inspire a feeling of adoration for one's nation, particularly during wartime. Youth is the future of any nation (Lashley, Marshall, Bailey, Crawford, Lazarus & Lord, 2019). Therefore, it is considered that the future of any nation depends on its youth. Hence, ISPR, through their productions, motivates youth to be a part of the armed forces.
Mass media assumes a huge part in the
development of public perception, molding
public opinion on essential issues, both through the information that is apportioned by them and through the interpretations they make out of this information. They additionally assume a vast part in forming present-day culture by choosing and depicting a specific arrangement of convictions, qualities, and conventions, as reality. That is, by depicting a specific understanding of reality, they shape reality to be more in accordance with that interpretation. This mind-boggling entrance of mass media in human lives has supported the part in the development of popular conclusions and strengthening their religious and social accepts. Indeed, even media can manage the general population, what to purchase, wear, think, read and eat and so forth (Abbas, Aman, Nurunnabi & Bano, 2019). Terrorism and the War on Terror have severely affected Pakistani society from numerous points of view. Mentally, financially, administratively, religiously, and globally it has been adversely influenced. The nation should be a center of peace and development. We need to adopt well-organized activities for defeating the powers of terrorism by destroying its roots. The incubation center for both the terror based oppression and the war on terror ought to be outfitted with quality instruction and mindfulness crusades. In such conditions,s ISPR productions are playing an effective role in maintaining the country’s position and building its image in front of the young generation. It was always considered that Pakistan is a country of terrorists, but after these military operations and ISPR productions, Pakistan is gaining its stability as; if we consider the recent case of the Peshawar school attack the song that is developed by ISPR productions has motivated millions of students through its song “Hamain dushman kay bachon ko parhana hai”, and develop the enthusiasm and courage to fight when terrorist with bravery.
This paper ultimately shows that ISPR productions played a vital role in the image building of Pakistan in the young generation because they are the future of the nation. Terrorism is a real threat to the existence of Pakistan, and it must be taken seriously by the policymakers.
The target population of this study was youth only. This cannot be used to draw inferences on the entire population in Pakistan. Therefore, another study can be conducted with the sampling being done on a wider population.
ISPR productions should present news and information regarding military activities that are pluralistic and different, as well as to ensure equality in presenting information from each party and sector of society. Such practice will add to the strong country democratic position.
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Cite this article
APA : Musarrat, R., Zahra, M. F., & Ashraf, A. (2021). ISPR Productions vs. Nationalism, Inclination to Join Army and Image Building: Case of Pakistan's Military Operations. Global Social Sciences Review, VI(IV), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-IV).01
CHICAGO : Musarrat, Rubab, Muniba Fatima Zahra, and Amna Ashraf. 2021. "ISPR Productions vs. Nationalism, Inclination to Join Army and Image Building: Case of Pakistan's Military Operations." Global Social Sciences Review, VI (IV): 1-8 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-IV).01
HARVARD : MUSARRAT, R., ZAHRA, M. F. & ASHRAF, A. 2021. ISPR Productions vs. Nationalism, Inclination to Join Army and Image Building: Case of Pakistan's Military Operations. Global Social Sciences Review, VI, 1-8.
MHRA : Musarrat, Rubab, Muniba Fatima Zahra, and Amna Ashraf. 2021. "ISPR Productions vs. Nationalism, Inclination to Join Army and Image Building: Case of Pakistan's Military Operations." Global Social Sciences Review, VI: 1-8
MLA : Musarrat, Rubab, Muniba Fatima Zahra, and Amna Ashraf. "ISPR Productions vs. Nationalism, Inclination to Join Army and Image Building: Case of Pakistan's Military Operations." Global Social Sciences Review, VI.IV (2021): 1-8 Print.
OXFORD : Musarrat, Rubab, Zahra, Muniba Fatima, and Ashraf, Amna (2021), "ISPR Productions vs. Nationalism, Inclination to Join Army and Image Building: Case of Pakistan's Military Operations", Global Social Sciences Review, VI (IV), 1-8
TURABIAN : Musarrat, Rubab, Muniba Fatima Zahra, and Amna Ashraf. "ISPR Productions vs. Nationalism, Inclination to Join Army and Image Building: Case of Pakistan's Military Operations." Global Social Sciences Review VI, no. IV (2021): 1-8. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-IV).01