Authored by : Muhammad SamiUr Rehman , SyedZubairHaider , NajamUl Kashif

35 Pages : 271-277


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    APA : Rehman, M. S. U., Haider, S. Z., & Kashif, N. U. (2019). Students Religiosity as a Predictor of Students Future Orientation: Analyzing the Effect on Secondary School Students of Punjab. Global Social Sciences Review, IV(IV), 271-277.
    CHICAGO : Rehman, Muhammad Sami Ur, Syed Zubair Haider, and Najam Ul Kashif. 2019. "Students Religiosity as a Predictor of Students Future Orientation: Analyzing the Effect on Secondary School Students of Punjab." Global Social Sciences Review, IV (IV): 271-277 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).35
    HARVARD : REHMAN, M. S. U., HAIDER, S. Z. & KASHIF, N. U. 2019. Students Religiosity as a Predictor of Students Future Orientation: Analyzing the Effect on Secondary School Students of Punjab. Global Social Sciences Review, IV, 271-277.
    MHRA : Rehman, Muhammad Sami Ur, Syed Zubair Haider, and Najam Ul Kashif. 2019. "Students Religiosity as a Predictor of Students Future Orientation: Analyzing the Effect on Secondary School Students of Punjab." Global Social Sciences Review, IV: 271-277
    MLA : Rehman, Muhammad Sami Ur, Syed Zubair Haider, and Najam Ul Kashif. "Students Religiosity as a Predictor of Students Future Orientation: Analyzing the Effect on Secondary School Students of Punjab." Global Social Sciences Review, IV.IV (2019): 271-277 Print.
    OXFORD : Rehman, Muhammad Sami Ur, Haider, Syed Zubair, and Kashif, Najam Ul (2019), "Students Religiosity as a Predictor of Students Future Orientation: Analyzing the Effect on Secondary School Students of Punjab", Global Social Sciences Review, IV (IV), 271-277
    TURABIAN : Rehman, Muhammad Sami Ur, Syed Zubair Haider, and Najam Ul Kashif. "Students Religiosity as a Predictor of Students Future Orientation: Analyzing the Effect on Secondary School Students of Punjab." Global Social Sciences Review IV, no. IV (2019): 271-277.