21st Century Leadership Skills Practiced by School Leaders in Pakistan During COVID-19 Pandemic
21st-century leaders need strong leadership skills to effectively lead schools. They must use and implement 21st-century skills for long term change. The study aimed to identify the practices of secondary school leaders of Rawalpindi city about [recommended] 21st century 4 Cs leadership skills (Competence, Character, Compassion & Courage) during the pandemic of Covid-19. This was exploratory research following the quantitative research approach. One hundred and nine school leaders were selected through a simple random sampling technique to complete an adapted survey questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used for analyzing and reporting the findings. Quantitative data analysis indicates that school leaders are using 21st-century leadership skills during Covid-19, but the level of use is dissimilar to the recommended 21st century 4 Cs leadership skills. It was identified that school leaders use relationship (mean= 4.21), Accountability (mean= 4.45), and Self-Belief (mean= 4.37) skills more than other sub-skills in their leadership practices. The findings recommend that policymakers and professional development organizations should plan workshops on these recommended leadership skills for school leaders so they can perform well under situations like Covid-19.
21st Century Leadership Skills, School Leaders, and Practices
(1) Mehr Bakht
Visiting Faculty, Department of Education, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Salma Nazar Khan
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Gerardo L Blanco
Academic Director, Center for International Higher Education. Boston College, USA.
How Does Mentoring and Strategic Leadership Contribute to Gen Y Employees Intention to Stay: A Sequential Mediation Approach
In today vibrant business environment, retaining a talented employee is a big challenge faced by organizations. We explore certain factors that might support organizations to retain their best employees. In the current research, we empirically examine the direct and indirect relationship of mentoring and strategic leadership to stay of Gen Y workers in the pharma industry in Pakistan. Affective commitment and Perceived organizational support were used as possible mediators. Through a cross-sectional research design, using the survey method, we received 248 responses from employees working in the pharma industry. Results revealed that both mentoring and strategic leadership have significant influence over Gen Y employees retention. Based on our study results, we suggested that managers should practice mentoring program in their talent management strategy and that managers practice a role of strategic leaders and implement a policy that retains the existing employees and attracts the best talent. Managerial implications and theoretical contributions are also discussed.
Mentoring, Strategic Leadership, Intent to Stay of Gen Y Employees, POS, Affective Commitment
(1) Sajid Rahman Khattak
Assistant Professor, IBMS, University of Agriculture, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Zahid Awan
Professor, Institute of Business Administration, Gomal University, D.I.K, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Hafizullah
Associate Professor, Institute of Businesses Studies (IBS), Kohat University of Science and Technology, Kohat, KP, Pakistan.
Effect of Leadership Styles of Secondary School Heads on School Improvement
This research.is designed to assess the effects of the leadership style of the secondary school principals on the school improvement. It was basically descriptive research in nature and for the collection of data survey method was used. Twenty senior school leaders from the AJ&k Mirpur department and 60 senior teachers from the public sector were selected as subjects. Samples were selected using simple random sampling techniques. Two questionnaires were prepared, one for the principal and the other for the senior teachers. Mean, standard deviation, and linear regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The result revealed that the leadership style of the school heads greatly contributed to the progress of the school. It is recommended that the principal must understand the level of learning in his department and the ability to share leadership style with the faculty and staff in order to get the most out of the academic process
Effect, Leadership, Leadership Styles, School Improvement, Secondary Schools
(1) Maria Noureen
PhD Scholar, Department of Education, Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University, Nerian Sharif, AJ&K, Pakistan.
(2) Nazir Haider Shah
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University, Nerian Sharif, AJ&K, Pakistan.
(3) Shazia Zamir
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
The Kargil Adventure and Its Political Consequences
This paper studies the pre and post Kargil war events. It also elaborates the calculation and miscalculations of Kargil adventure from the top military brass and the Kargil clique. This paper also describes the question of civil military relations in Pakistan and actual corridor of the decision making. It also Provides Knowledge about the plan of Kargil war, doctrine of secrecy, the aftermath of that adventure, the big bang between the civil-military leadership, the failure of diplomacy, the impact of Kargil war on political system. This paper also highlighted the attempt to get Kargil at the rate of Kashmir. It is assessed that the kagril episode had some precious consequences related to the battlefield, warfare and the supremacy of army as an institution. This paper also showed the activities happened on the freeze heights of Kargil seriously affect, politics and civil-military relations in Pakistan.
Kargil, Kashmir, Military, Civilian leadership, Siachen, Religious Parties, Party Politics
(1) Muhammad Shakeel Akhtar
PhD. Scholar, Department of Pakistan Studies, The Islamia University Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Aftab Ahmad Gilani
Associate Professor,Department of Pakistan Studies, The Islamia University Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Khurshid Ahmad
Professor (Rtd),Department of Pakistan Studies, The Islamia University Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
Leadership Behavior of Principals and Attitudes of Teachers towards Academic Environment in Private Schools
The research was focused on the “Leadership Behavior of Principals and Attitudes of Teachers as related to the Academic Environment in Private Secondary Schools of District Dera Ismail Khan”. The study was quantitative and data were collected using a survey. The population was 147 heads and 1470 teachers who were working in private secondary schools of the District, Dera Ismail Khan. A sample of 324 was selected for gathering data. The correlation, t-test, and regression were statistical analysis techniques. The results depicted that better academic environment is the result of positive attitude of teachers. The relationship between attitude and leadership behavior was highly positive. No differences were found between rural and urban on attitude scale, leadership behavior scale and environment scale.
Teachers’ Attitude, Leadership Behavior, Academic Environment, Private Secondary Schools
(1) Latif Ur Rehman
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Education, Qurtuba University of Science and Technology, Dera Ismail Khan, Kp, Pakistan.
(2) Liaquat Hussain Shah
Assistant Professor, Institute of Education and Research,Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Khuda Bakhsh Malik
Assistant Professor,Department of Education,GC University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
Assessing Leadership Roles of Secondary School Principals: Comparison Between Principals and Teachers Perceptions
The current study assessed the leadership roles of secondary school heads in Kohat division (SSHKD). The study used a quantitative research design for examining whether principals and teachers interpreted leadership roles differently and whether gender and age have any effect on leadership role of principals or not. A random sample of 60 secondary school principals and 120 Senior School Teachers (S.S.T) from 03 districts of Kohat Division participated in the study. It was found that both teachers and heads perceived that school heads perform their leadership roles effectively and efficiently. However, performing leadership roles by male and female heads viewed differently. Female principals viewed that they perform leadership roles efficiently as compare to their male counterparts. No significant differences were found in the perceptions of principals when compared regarding age. The study recommends preservice training programs for principals after their selection.
Age, Gender, Kohat Division, Principals, Leadership Role, Teacher
(1) Munir Khan
Assistant Professor, Department of Education,University of Malakand, Chakdara, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Iqbal Amin Khan
Lecturer,Department of Education,University of Malakand, Chakdara, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Mohammad Naseer ud Din
Professor, Department of Education and Psychology,Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat, Kp, Pakistan.
Effects of Leadership on School Performance: Comparison between Perceptions of Teachers and Head Teachers of Special and Regular Schools
This study compared the perception(s) of teachers and headteachers working in special schools and those in regular schools about the effect of leadership on the performance of the school. The sample included 100 teachers and 50 headteachers from each of the school categories in Karachi city. The analysis of data was carried out by using descriptive statistics and Independent Samples t-test. The results revealed that teachers and headteachers perceived leadership style to be affecting the performance of the school. The headteachers and teachers from regular schools and teachers from special schools scored highest on their response(s) demonstrating that headteachers anticipated the role teachers working under their leadership in inculcating knowledge, skills, and attitudes among students; whereas, the score of the responses of the headteachers of special schools appeared to be highest indicating that they guide their teachers how to attain the goals of their school(s).
Head teacher, leadership, school performance
(1) Sadia Siddiqui
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Special Education, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan.
(2) Shahida Sajjad
Professor, Department of Special Education, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan.
(3) Irshad Hussain
Professor, Department of Education,The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
Role of Instructional Leadership in Successful Execution of Curriculum: Head Teachers' Perspective
Transformational leadership has been characterized by vision and inspiration while the emphasis of instructional /pedagogical leadership is on framing clear goals and objectives and then achieve them through careful planning and monitoring. Headteachers play the leading role in school improvement and increase and maintain instructional effectiveness. Their prime focus is on learning outcomes and enhancing the quality of the teaching-learning process. A qualitative research design was applied to get headteachers' perspectives about role of instructional leadership in successful execution of the curriculum. Purposively 14 headteachers were selected to conduct interview. Among them 7 were female headteachers and 7 were male headteachers. The interview protocol was developed after reviewing literature and discussing role of instructional leaders in successful execution of curriculum with experts in the area and renowned educationists. It was revealed that school heads as instructional leaders have an important role in successful execution of curriculum
Instructional Leadership, Successful Execution, Curriculum, Head Teachers' Perspective
(1) Moafia Nader
Assistant Professor,Department of Education,Lahore College for women university, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Fakhra Aziz
Assistant Professor,Department of Education,Lahore College for women university, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Afifa Khanam
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Lahore College for women university, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
Relationship Between Teachers Leadership Styles and Students Academic Achievement
Leadership styles play an important role and position in pedagogical activities and school effectiveness because they play a major role in the learning process. The current study looked at the relationship between teacher leadership styles (including democratic, autocratic, transformational and transactional) and student academic achievement at the university level. Head of the Departments of Social Sciences and Master degree students made up the study population. Twenty-nine Heads of Departments (HODs) and two hundred and six students from five public sector universities in Khyber Pakhtukhawa were selected through simple random and stratified (proportionate) sampling techniques. Data was collected through a questionnaire, the reliability co-efficient of which was 0.72 and 0.82 for HODs and students respectively. The data collected was analyzed using Mean, Standard Deviation and Pearson Correlation. The study results indicate that teacher leadership styles are strongly linked to student academic success
Teachers Leadership Styles, Students academic Achievement
(1) Abdur Rashid
Lecturer, Department of Education, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Upper Dir, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Roohul Amin
Lecturer, Department of Education, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Upper Dir, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Shabir Ahmad
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Elementary and Secondary Education Department, KP, Pakistan.
Russia's Global Strategic Rebalancing: Implications for Pakistan
Russia under Vladimir Putin’s leadership has assumed a personalised character which has drastically transformed its domestic and defence policy as well as its global grand strategy. The main contour of the grand strategy is a strategic rebalancing in the places of its influence including its near abroad and its area of interest including Asia, Asia Pacific and the Middle East. Putin’s leadership and psychological orientation have a fundamental role in the materialisation of this transformation and the study of this factor serves as a lens to explain Russia’s resurgence and also provides a guide to Russia’s future foreign policy. One of the significant aspects of the strategic rebalancing is Russia’s increasing influence in South Asia and the projects of building transport and trade corridor. While China remains another significant powerful player with similar geostrategic and geoeconomic plans; states such as Pakistan foresee great challenges as well as opportunities which emerge as a result of the increasing influence of Russia and China in the region and the lingering dissonance in Pakistan’s relations with the United States of America.
Russia, Balance of Power, Putin, Leadership, Strategic Rebalancing, Pakistan
(1) Ahmed Ijaz Malik
Faculty Members, School of Politics and International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Nadeem Mirza
Faculty Members, School of Politics and International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.